Prevent Safety supported memorial boulder competition BORIS TRAJKOVSKI 2015

mar 3, 2015
Prevent Safety supported memorial boulder competition BORIS TRAJKOVSKI 2015

Within the strategy of socially responsible business, Prevent Safety supported the initiative of Alpine Sport Climbing Club Neretva for organization of boulder competition in Mostar. By donating necessary funds, Prevent Safety has provided the conditions for the realization of competition and further development of club through all levels.

This project was realized in cooperation with Macedonian Sport Climbing Federation. At the competition, categories of all age groups competed (“cicibani” 2005/06, junior cadets 2003/04, cadets 2001/02, juniors 1997/98, older juniors 1995/6, seniors). The competition aims to establish cooperation between the clubs in the region, and to mark tragic death of then President of Macedonia who died in plane crash near Mostar.

The Alpine-Sport Climbing Club “Neretva“ is a unique sports club in Herzegovina, which began operating in 2009. The Club deals with education of sport climbers of all age categories and it has over 100 members.